Tuesday, March 30, 2010


In the Adobe InDesign videos I learned some new things, and refreshed my mind with the affects I am already pretty familiar with. I know I will be going back to these videos during my projects because this is a lot of information to obtain. I learned first how to create a new document, and how to choose your dimensions and a layout that is best for the document you are creating. The videos explaining the use of layers always help because I find it difficult to use the adobe applications because I always forget that there are layers. You constantly have to click on the layer you want to work with. I find myself on one layer trying to play with another, forgetting that I have to go to my layer panel to get there. This video gave me more information on arranging and bringing things to the front, or placing them behind. It also helped me understand how to select different panels and layers. I find layering to be the most confusing and it has taken me the longest to get used to. Customizing the workspace was a bit confusing to me, because of the customizing shortcuts. I don't really use shortcuts anyways, so I think this might just complicate things for me, and I would end up writing everything down because I would never remember. A master page is basically the core to your document. Dotted lines indicate something that is on your master page. I was pretty familiar with the working with objects video because this goes back to what we first learned. I am comfortable with creating different objects, text frames, and filling objects with color. I'm also familiar with importing/placing photos into InDesign. The pen, pencil and line tool are all familiar as well. The working with object styles was easy for me to follow because it goes back to our logo design project and the self portrait project. Working with transparencies, drop shadows, and different styles is what I consider myself most comfortable with in the adobe applications. I enjoyed learning about how to create your own object style in such a large object style box. I remember watching a video on the text wrap panel before and I like how this works. I've never seen any other application wrap text around images so well. This is a great feature in Adobe InDesign. Like I said before, I will definitely be going back to these videos so I can use the tips in layering and customizing the workspace because these are what I feel the least comfortable with. I think the feature I will use the least is the customizing the workspace.

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