Monday, April 26, 2010


1. I think blogging is an awesome tool. It's a great way for a classrooms to communicate and share ideas. It's also nice because you can work off of other people's initial ideas to create something that is unique and you can call your own. It's an interesting way to see what people are thinking, what websites they are finding, and to discover how many ideas can come from one subject or lesson.

2. I thought blogging was a great reflection and communication tool. When we did our last blog and had to review our classmate's blogs it was really interesting. Since we have been using it so much I have noticed that people that I know (friends and family) actually have created their own blogs to get their work out there. Creating a blog is almost like having your own web page. You can post images and say whatever you what, and personalize your page to make it suitable for you. I think this is an awesome communication tool and I'm thinking about creating my own blog so that I can post art work, daily comments, links to things I think are interesting, etc. It's almost like an online diary. I think it's awesome. I'm going to Australia next Spring and Blogger will really help me keep my friends updated!!

3. I would definitely use blogging in my classroom! It's such a great way to get students to look at their classmate's work and respond! Or I would post an image/article myself and assign students to give me feedback, very familiar to the way Mrs. Tabone used blogging.

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