Thursday, April 15, 2010


Comment on Elizabeth Halliday‘s Blog:

Comment on Colleen McCarriagher’s Blog:

Comment on Kristen Bartkowski’s Blog:

A. For Elizabeth’s (she was on top of me in the shared google doc), I looked through all of her blogs, and the images on her self portrait blog really caught my eye because I’ve never seen anything like it before and I know I could use it in a classroom. I chose Kristen and Colleen’s blogs to look at because I wanted to see what they were up to, and read some of their thoughts and feelings about the things we’ve been doing.

B. Again, Elizabeth’s self portrait images really just caught my eye and I wanted to let her know she had chosen some great images. I guess you could say I was easily drawn to images on the blogs. I chose to comment on Colleen’s slide show because it was eye catching and it was interested to see how people approached this assignment. There were thousands of possibilities for images in this assignment so it was fun to look at hers and see what kinds of things she photographed. I was interested in seeing what kinds of websites other people were exploring so I chose to comment on Kristen’s logo resource blog. I’m surprised I didn’t come across the same website as her because I searched for a long time, but she chose a really cool website with great ideas that we could relate to after using the adobe applications.

C. I think blogging in a classroom is an awesome tool. It is great for getting feedback from student’s for specific assignments and subjects. It’s also great for what we are doing right now. Everyone learns more when you share ideas and when you can see what other people and thinking and exploring. I really like the idea of classroom blogging and I would definitely use it in my classroom for feedback and sharing ideas.

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