Sunday, January 31, 2010

B2 Webquest at Albright Knox

A. Franz Marc The Wolves (Balkan War) 1913 Oil on canvas: This painting is interesting to me because of the vibrant colors and the use of animals in the scene. This painting is a story waiting to unfold, and the viewer can interpret it in many different ways. I am interested in abstract artwork and this is extremely complex. I love paintings that are challenging to look at because of their hidden images. It seems as if you could stare at this painting forever and continue to see new things that you hadn't noticed before.
B. Vincent Van Gogh The Old Mill 1888 Oil on canvas: This painting draws me in because of the loose feel I get from it. I feel as if Van Gogh's style is almost effortless, and it still looks amazing. Van Gogh's work can be seen from a mile away because it is so unique.
C. Jehan Georges Vibert The Marvelous Sauce 1890 Oil on canvas: I could never forget this painting. This painting is one that you must see up close to truly get a feel for how great it is. It is so real and prefectly detailed. Very impressive artwork.
D. Victor Vasarely Vega-Nor 1969 Oil on canvas: This painting leaves an impression on me because it is just so different. It draws everyone in around it. It is truly amazing how a person can make something seem so real when it is just a flat canvas.
E. Jackson Pollock Convergence 1952 Oil on canvas: Jackson Pollock has his own unique style that always leaves me questioning his work. Convergence is different than anything I've seen before. His form of abstract expressionism is great.

A. Claude Monet Tow-Path at Argenteuil, Winter 1875 Oil on canvas: This scenery reminds me of a location on Block Island where I have been before. I went during summer, and because there is snow in this work I feel as if the artist is trying to show me what winter is like. It's almost like I get a nostalgic feeling when I look at this painting.
B. Vincent Van Gogh The Old Mill 1888 Oil on canvas: I tend to be a perfectionist when it comes to painting with oils. The reason I feel such a strong connection with this work is because I envy Van Gogh's style. It is so loose and carefree looking, I wish that I could be happy with a work of my own that looked like this, but it is not my style. I want to work on this because I love this loose style.
C. Jehan Georges Vibert The Marvelous Sauce 1890 Oil on canvas: I honestly feel like I am standing in the room with these people. It is so real looking!
D. George Inness The Coming Storm 1878 Oil on canvas: The view of nature reminds me of home. When I look at this painting I can actually feel the storm coming. Everything is starting to get dark and I feel like I need to get my umbrella out!
E. William Harnett Music and Literature 1878 Oil on canvas: Very detailed and interesting. I want to put my hand out and grab something.

A. Jehan Georges Vibert The Marvelous Sauce 1890 Oil on canvas: I want to know what the chef really thinks about the sauce. He looks like he is not at all impressed. I want to know how long it took to paint this and what technique was used to get these details. If this was done in 1890, what tools and brushes did Vibert use to compose something so trompe l'oeil.
B. Franz Marc The Wolves (Balkan War) 1913 Oil on canvas: I want to know what this is all about. Why are some of the wolves angry and some look perfectly content? I want to know what the subject of this painting is.
C. Jackson Pollock Convergence 1952 Oil on canvas: What state of mind was Jackson Pollock in when he painted this? Why did he choose these specific colors? What does this mean?
D.Robert Delaunay Sun, Tower, Airplane 1913 Oil on canvas: Ok I see the tower and the airplane, but what do they mean? This picture is filled with warm colors which I am assuming is where the "sun" comes from in the title. I believe Delaunay is excited about technology and new inventions. This seems like an extremely happy painting to me.
E. Edward Hicks Peaceable Kingdom 1848 Oil on canvas: Where is this place? Is this something Edward Hick's has dreamed of? Has he been here? Is this what he wishes the world was like? I want to know where these images came from.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Kalanges-Week 1

I've always had awesome art teachers growing up in elementary, middle and high school. These people were fun, energetic and they always seemed to love what they did. In high school I realized I was very interested in different media such as painting, photography, and ceramics. The fact that I was pretty good at these things helped too. I've always dreamed of becoming a teacher and combining my art skills with my love of children seemed like the perfect choice. I love children and I want to be able to create a fun environment for them in my own classroom someday. I hope that they could walk out of their art class days and remember how great their art teachers from the past were as I do now. My junior and senior year of high school I spent about an hour a day on Tuesdays and Thursdays volunteering at the elementary school in town. My time in an elementary art class really proved to me that becoming an art teacher would be perfect.